Drugs services in West Sussex

Drug and Alcohol Wellbeing Network (DAWN)

DAWN, the West Sussex Drug and Alcohol Wellbeing Network is a service provided by Change Grow Live and offers support to West Sussex residents of all ages who are affected by drugs and alcohol, to include the person who is using drugs and/or alcohol, their loved ones who offer support, and the wider community.

Young people aged 24 and under can contact the service via:
Call: 0330 128 1113
Email Change, Grow, Live
Online referral form (new window)

Adults aged 25 and over can contact the service via:
Call: 0330 128 1113
Email Change, Grow, Live
Online referral form (new window)

Online peer support meetings

Other sources of information

The NHS website also has lots of information about different drugs and how they affect people.

The FRANK website provides drugs information aimed at young people and parents.